Title 9 Spells Campus Justice
Title 9 law allows a victim of sexual harassment to sue a college or university in US federal court. Victims of gender-based
violence, sexual assault, bullying and harassment have the power to fight injustice on campus. The US Department of Education has said that sexual harassment is a form of discrimination. The trial lawyers at Zukerberg & Halperin agree.
The language of Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a powerful tool for campus justice:
“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”
Title 9 applies to any public or private school which receives federal funding, but excludes purely private and some state schools which don’t receive federal dollars. (Grove City College Case, 1984) The federal fund carve-out is limited, however, since most college receive federal grants directly or through federal financial aid programs.
Recent court cases affirm that transgender students are protected from sex-based discrimination under Title 9 and must generally be treated in accord with their gender identity.
Minor children under the age of 18 can file Title 9 actions. Parents or guardians may pursue Title 9 claims on behalf of minors under the age of 18. But, like all legal claims, Title 9 cases are subject to statute of limitations.
Attorney Jonathan Halperin is lead counsel in a number high-profile college campus assault cases, having filed a $10 million dollar suit on behalf of an 18 year old freshman sexually assaulted at Virginia Wesleyan College in Norfolk, Virginia.
Call the attorneys at Zukerberg & Halperin, PLLC for trusted confidential counsel.