Electric powered scooter accidents are on the rise in DC. Local emergency rooms are reporting a sharp jump in Washington D.C. scooter injury admissions. Sure they’re fun and handy, but they are also dangerous. Scooter drivers need to be responsible. The damage electric scooters cause is no fun.
If you are new to scooters (and who isn’t) watch the free uTube videos. Furthermore, you should always wear a bike helmet. Scooters get lots of wear and tear, so be sure to check the brakes before you hit the road.
Distracted drivers who are texting and tweeting are a real hazard for scooters. Scooter infrastructure is primitive. If you are in a scooter collision, you need an experienced personal injury lawyer. Therefore, you can trust your case to Zukerberg & Halperin. Because they have over 50 plus years of personal injury tract records.
Rental scooter companies include Lime, Spin, Bird & Skip. Injuries happen to operators, but all to pedestrians and cyclists.
Best of all, there is never a fee unless you win. Scooter accident – Call Zukerberg & Halperin today. Operators are standing by: 202-830-3931